Managing Facebook Ads campaign – paying based on % of store sale



Ever wondered how you can manage Facebook Ads campaign based on % of store sale.

Performance-based or Revenue Share pricing is a fair advantage to you since you’re just starting up your e-commerce business. In a way, you are paying the person based on the quantifiable effort, and Roi is a clear cut. Try to negotiate the payout and the terms, defining targets as a baseline is a good start to protect your margin.

Timestamp: 0:48 for the answer

You can find the rest of my tips in this video:


From R/AskMarketing

Posted by u/Aware-Lingonberry
1 day ago
” Hey, I just started my business in e-commerce and a friend of a friend offered “help” in Facebook ads. He does this for more companies and I really liked the idea of it because he told me of a revenue multiplier of 10+. But the problem is he asks for 25% of the total of the revenue, so I have to pay for everything from my 75% share. Can someone tell me if this is worth it or should I learn how to use Facebook ads myself instead? Like is it easy to learn how to use the ads correctly?
Thanks in advance!


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