How to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 to your business?



Times are tough for businesses due to the COVID-19 outbreak followed by the economic fallout. Businesses must learn to adapt but at times the impact is just so hard that it can cripple you. So here are some actions you can take today in order to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on your business. Enjoy the video and if you learn a thing or two, do subscribe to my YouTube channel.



5 Actions you can do today


Here’s how you can lessen the impact, support your customers , and protect employees/stakeholders at these trying times.


#1: Review your product/service & customer base

Know what’s at risk > What are your critical business resources? After that, assess and set priorities. E.g. If capacity is reduced, there will need to be rules for which products should be built and which customers should be supplied first.


#2: Move your business ONLINE

Set up an online store & increase social media presence.


#3: Reduce meetings and travel

Health and Safety is paramount!

Implement a remote work policy > this should covers when you expect your team to be online or available, how to communicate (via email, Skype, or video call, and deliverables to complete.


#4: Communicate transparently with your customers
Customers can empathize with brands facing a crisis, as long as you communicate with them sincerely. Be human first; then brand as a second.

I wrote another article on this: IN VIEW OF COVID-19 AS A DIGITAL MARKETER AND A HUMAN

#5: Plan for operating to maximize cash flow rather than profits.
-Perform financial health checks and re-do your budget with new assumptions
-Consider alternate or non-traditional revenue streams.


Great companies adapt to survive. Why? Because tough times never last, but tough people do!


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